Tuesday, March 29, 2011

mistake makers - "my friends could beat up your friends (but they probably wouldn't" (2011) DOWNLOAD!

my friends could beat up your friends (but they probably wouldn't) (2011)

1. stabbings & champions
2. earl
3. no sleep till' thunder bay
4. up the fuck ups
5. my dead friends think you're a shitty comedian
6. we'll always have paris

click on the cute kitty to download & spread this record around if you like it!

mistake makers are a five piece pop punk band from halifax. this is their first record that they completed shortly before heading off on a two week tour earlier this year.
the songs are short, poppy, honest & deal with betrayal, addiction, heartbreak, n64, hurricanes, long drives, & friends.
their live shows usually involve broken gear, microphones to the face, bloody hands, irrelevant or awkward banter, out of tune guitars, & ridiculous dancing.
they're on hiatus right now as everyone in the band has other projects.

steve believe - guitar, vox, reverb, emo
ryley beggs - pickslides, guitar, punx
rosie toes - keys, vox, hippy
jawsh carson - bass, vox, joey
matt a - drums, puns, metal

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