Tuesday, July 19, 2011

snail party - "B.F.C.S.D." (2011) FULL LENGTH DOWNLOAD!

snail party - "B.F.C.S.D." (2011)

1. snail song
2. lemonade (cocorosie cover)
3. homewrecker
4. g20 mommy
5. everything is o.k. (more or less)
6. dry land
7. ignorant kids
8. spok's song
9. for a walk

the debut full length from seven piece folk punk band snail party.
full disclosure: I am in this band. therefore I feel a bit strange about writing a review of it, but I guess I can tell you how we made it.
our band is full of flailers & real people, but not the bad kind of either. it's just hard to record an album when half your band is either leaving town every five seconds or working a job constantly. somehow we managed to record a full length & here it is, "B.F.C.S.D.", recorded in three weeks between trips to long lake, busking at the waterfront, kit kat pizza visits & a bunch of sweaty, humid july days.
click on the art up there to download it from our bandcamp, & if you can, add a digital fiver. we're going on tour to nlfd for three weeks & need all the propane money we can get.
details for our tour kick off show are down below! pick up a tape or cd copy at the show!

tell your friends. post this record on your blog. help us out!

(ps: to all the folk punk haters... you're either in/or were in a folk punk band, so eat it sucker!)

beyon - guitar & vox
kaitlyn - cello
sorrel - fiddle
ryley - drums & singing saw
feather - accordion
beerslaw - fiddle
mogli - banjo & vox


  1. good luck on your tour! I loveyou guys!!
    <3 Peter
    ps what does bfcsd stand for?

  2. im so pumoed to see yall tonight here in calgary. lol i love your shit folk punk for the win

  3. you cats were amazing here in van!! stoked on everything you do, and special thanks for the awesome feline backpatch :)

  4. best friends & crusty skid drunks.

  5. I heard some of you and your group play some awesome tunes in a basement in Brooklyn last night. Your CD is making this hangover much much better :) Good luck on your tour! And Devin--I'd love to see you again when you get back to New York :)
