Friday, August 10, 2012


Roberts Street Rat Skool / Subject Lottery Presentations!
Thursday August 16th, 6:30pm
5684 Roberts Street

An evening of presentations on interesting topics! At the last Rat Skool we threw into the hat a collection of topics that we'd like to see someone else present on! We had 4 lucky names drawn from another hat to present on those topics! Our presenters are busy researching and preparing their tales, tricks, and tips to share with us.

Matthew will shows us how to break into secret locations with lockpicking. Amanda will take us on a deep sea exploration. Sorrel will delve into the origin of gendered words in the french language. Hollie will expand our minds with cloud formations or philosophize about posthumanism.

How does the subject lottery work?
At each event we collect topics that you would like to see someone else present on. We also collect names of people willing to do presentations on topics they most likely know little about! Then a few names are drawn and a few topics are drawn and those people prepare a short (5-15min) presentation for the next session. We'll be doing a lottery for an event next month!! So come with some ideas for topics to be thrown into the hat!

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